Real Man Adventures

T. Cooper     Recommended by Rhiannon    

Real Man Adventures is a fascinating read. Part memoir, part humour essays and part Transgender expose. Cooper, who was born a woman, explores his life as man with the usual concerns of living in suburbia juxtaposed with the fear of hate crimes and the danger he and other transgender face for being who they are. Cooper writes with a skill and humour found in the likes of David Sedaris and, whilst never being afraid to educate the reader on Transgender issues never points fingers or blames the reader for ignorance on, what is still, a sensitive topic in society.

Whilst containing its fair share of Cooper’s personal observation Real Man Adventures contains interviews and insights from a wide range of people connected to the Transgender community, from parents to spouses and, of course transgendered people themselves. Again, ‘Real Man Adventures’ is not a transgender rally cry, accusing the world of not understanding, rather, with thought provoking humour and a deft writing style Cooper not only provides a unique into world so often misunderstood, but does it in a way which is always entertaining and endearing.

This is a great read for anyone who wants an entertaining non-fiction read, or those who enjoy memoirs or books on gender studies.

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