Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls

David Sedaris     Recommended by Rhiannon Emery    

From dysfunctional families, to foreign countries to taxidermied pygmies Sedaris’ 8th collection of travel stories and anecdotes does not disappoint. For both fans and new readers alike, Sedaris’s usual wit and self-deprecating charm map his descent into middle age and shares more of his family’s secrets in tales both varied and hilarious. From his father’s obsession with colonoscopies to satirical essays on the average American republican everything in ‘Lets Explore…’ touches something in the reader’s own life, even if it is as ordinary as litter on the side of the road.Sedaris’ writing style is always fluid and all but jumps off the page with energy, with even side characters in his anecdotes filled to the brim with their own personal stories. There is little else this reviewer can write to convey the sense of joy and energy that is reading any of Sedaris’ works, only that readers of all ages, shapes and sizes will find something (or everything) to their liking in this collection.

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