Books of Beginning

John Stephens     Recommended by Sophia Vinciullo    

Three children – Three books – One prophecy

The Emerald Atlas

In book one of the Books of Beginning we meet Kate, Michael and Emma who are thrown from one orphanage to the next. When they arrive in Cambridge Falls and meet Dr Pym they quickly realise that something strange has been happening. They find a mysterious green book that takes them on a wild and dangerous adventure through time. They face monsters, wizards, dwarves, the master and an over the top nasty countess, before returning to a new and improved present.

 Emerald Atlas is a thrilling tale with surprises on every page.

 The Fire Chronicle

In book two of the Books of Beginning Kate, Michael and Emma join with Dr Pym to search for the chronicle. Michael takes a dead man’s memories to learn the secrets of this deadly book, while Emma makes friends with a penguin called Derek and Kate gets attacked by Screechers. Along the way they learn that their parents are alive and are running from the dire magnas.

 I really could not put Fire Chronicle down. One more book to go – I hope it is just as good.

Book 2 finished on a cliff-hanger!! Where is book 3 Mr Stephens??

Ages 10 up

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